Why Buying a Pet From a Market in America is a Bad Idea

 Why Buying a Pet From a Market in America is a Bad Idea

When you first get your heart set on bringing an animal into your home, you might not think to ask where the pet came from or how it was raised. This leads to countless animals being treated poorly, ending up in shelters and ultimately dying because there are simply too many animals and not enough good homes out there. If you really want to bring a furry friend into your life, go to your local animal shelter rather than buying from a market in America!


Pets are important members of the family, and they should be treated with love and care. However, it's important to know where your pet came from so that you can make an educated decision about whether or not you want to purchase them. There are many reasons why purchasing pets from markets in America could be risky, but one of the biggest red flags is that there's no way to guarantee their health status.

Animals Suffer in Markets

There are several reasons why buying pets from markets in America is a bad idea. The first and most important reason is that animals suffer when they are being sold and transferred to new owners. Animals are often packed tightly into cages, making it difficult for them to move. Some even die during transportation as they're not given any food or water, which can lead to dehydration and hyperthermia.

The Risks of Disease Are Higher

If you are considering buying your pet from a market, think again. You could be putting yourself and your family at risk of contracting zoonotic diseases that can lead to serious illness or death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that people who have purchased animals from an animal market are more likely to contract rabies than those who purchase animals from other sources. Remember, rabies does not always show symptoms until it's too late.

You Might Be Supporting Animal Cruelty

When you buy a pet from the market, you are supporting animal cruelty. This can happen for several reasons: 

*The animals are not properly cared for and may have been abandoned or abused by their owners. *Animals at these markets are often kept in unsanitary conditions, making them more susceptible to disease. *Animals at these markets may have been illegally taken from their natural habitats. These animals could be endangered and our demand for exotic pets could put them on the brink of extinction.

It's More Expensive In the Long Run

Buying pets from markets in America can be more expensive than buying them elsewhere. In the long run, it costs more money to buy a pet from an American market because many animals are bred specifically for the US market and these animals have been raised under different conditions than those raised elsewhere. The conditions that animals are raised in have a direct effect on their health and welfare, which means that their quality of life will vary based on where they were born.

It's Better to Adopt

Buying pets from markets in America has been proven to have negative consequences. These animals are often mistreated and some are even killed after they are purchased. When you adopt an animal, you can know that the pet you get is not going to be mistreated or subjected to cruelty before your adoption. Additionally, if you're looking for a specific type of pet, adopting may be your only option since many markets do not offer specialty breeds.