Do you know about top ten powerful army in the world
1. United States
The United States: The Most Powerful Army in the World
The United States of America is one of the most powerful countries in the world, and has been since its founding in 1776. Since then, it has maintained its status as the world’s dominant military power, with a top-of-the-line army, navy, air force, and marines ready to serve at any time and in any place within the country’s borders and around the world if necessary. With such an impressive military force at its disposal, it’s no wonder that the U.S. plays such an active role in global politics on both the diplomatic and warfront stages...
#1. The United States is first on military budget
Although it is difficult to rank countries as more powerful than others, there are a few metrics that can be taken into account. For instance, according to International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), in 2016 China spent on military less than half of what the U.S. did, while Russia was 10% behind America. According to these statistics and others found on various publications, it seems only appropriate that the United States continues to reign as having one of the most powerful armies around the world today.
2. Russia
Why Russia Has the Most Powerful Army in the World
You might think that the United States has the most powerful army in the world, but you’d be wrong. The United States has one of the most technologically advanced armies, but Russia has an army so powerful that it can withstand any attack from even the most technologically advanced army in the world. Let’s take a look at why Russia has the most powerful army in the world, and what it can do to protect itself from foreign threats.
Russia creates the latest technology
Russia has military technology advancements unmatched by any other country, which has given them an overwhelming military advantage. For example, Russian scientists created a new air-defense system called the S-400 Triumph (also known as SA-21 Growler) that can intercept missiles with a 400 km range and at altitudes of up to 27 km. In addition, for this new system to work, it requires help from 4 other guidance systems.
3. China
How China Became the World's Most Powerful Country
In just 100 years, China has gone from being one of the poorest countries in the world to being one of the most economically powerful. Here's how this unprecedented success story happened.
Ancient China
China has always been a large country. And for thousands of years it was much bigger than any other country in the world. It wasn't until about 1500 A.D., when some people found a new continent called America, that China was surpassed in size.
Political Influence and Diplomacy
China has grown from an ancient culture into one of the most influential countries in the world. Founded in 221 BC by Qin Shi Huang, it survived various dynasties and rules before its doors were opened to international trade in 1979. China will continue to be a global player for years to come.
The Unbeatable Indian Army: Why They're the Strongest in the World
We’ve all heard it – the Indian army is one of the strongest in the world. But why? What makes them so strong? How do they go about building up their army? The answer to all these questions and more lie in India’s geography, history, culture, and many other factors, which will be explored further in this article. Read on to learn how the Indian army became one of the strongest in the world!
The Indian Army is one of the oldest military organizations in the world
Formed on October 8, 1947, the Indian Army is one of the oldest military organizations in the world. The day India was born as a nation, Major General K M Cariappa became its first Commander-in-Chief. One of India's most well-known armed forces, they are renowned for their enormous size, strong discipline and fighting skills. It has deployed units on various missions around the world and fought with distinction in all major wars since Independence.
5. Japan
Japan's military is one of the strongest in the world. With more than 250,000 active members, it is the largest among the country's self-defense forces, and it has enough equipment to modernize its navy and air force as well as protect its borders with the fourth-largest military budget in the world. So why is Japan's army so strong? Here are six reasons why Japan's army is one of the strongest in the world.
6. South Korea
The South Korean army is the biggest army in the country. It’s always ready to defend its nation, maintain peace and stability throughout the world, and protect its citizens from harm, whether at home or abroad. If you’re interested in learning more about this powerful fighting force, here are five reasons why the South Korean army is so powerful.
South Korea Generates a Lot of Income From its Military
As we mentioned in our last blog post, South Korea has a booming economy and exports goods around the world. However, when looking at its military spending and size, it's easy to see that it still relies heavily on a large standing army.
First off, the country spends a whopping 2.6% of its GDP on defense, which was about $35 billion USD in 2016.
7. France
When it comes to great militaries, everyone has heard of the United States, Britain, and Russia’s armed forces. But not many people know about France’s military, despite it being one of the best in the world. The French military has five key aspects that make it so impressive and effective. Here are five reasons why France’s army is the best in the world!
Fighting spirit
The patriotism instilled by such an education has made France's army a fighting force of nature. They may not be huge in numbers, but they are loyal and highly skilled when it comes to military tactics and on-the-ground combat. They fight with one goal: bring glory to their country at any cost. No soldier serves in France's military without believing wholeheartedly that he or she is personally protecting the nation of France.
8. Italy
The Italian Army has been around since 1861, and over the past century and a half it has accomplished some truly remarkable feats. From taking on foreign threats to rescuing its own citizens during natural disasters, it’s hard to imagine what Italy would be like without its standing army. Here are 10 incredible facts you may not have known about Italy’s armed forces.
Italy doesn’t have universal conscription
Conscription was abolished in Italy in 2004, with all male citizens still required to serve, but only for a minimum of one year. These conscripts are called servizio militare obbligatorio or SMO, which is when males turn 18 and are eligible for conscription. They can choose to refuse this service and serve an alternate sentence of 24 months in jail, 36 months if they're convicted on more than one charge of draft evasion.
9. The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom's military might not be as impressive as you think
The United Kingdom’s military might not be as impressive as you think it is. In fact, there are some things they could learn from other countries around the world that would make their military might so much more impressive and effective in the years to come. Here are five ways that the UK can use to improve their military effectiveness and make it a force to be reckoned with on the world stage.
The UK Has Fought in Most Wars Since WWII
For a long time, the UK has viewed itself as a global power and sought to exert influence in many parts of the world. Today, after two disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is seen more of a military power than an international political one. Although the UK will continue to fight alongside other Western states such as America, France and Germany against ISIS in Syria and Iraq this is where its greatest military capability will lie.
10. Turkey
How the Turkish Army Became One of the Most Powerful in the World
The Turkish army, or the TSK, is one of the most powerful in the world with its extensive list of responsibilities and military capabilities. In this article, we'll look at the origins of this prestigious organization and how it came to be one of the best armies in the world today.
From Civilian Rule to Military Dominance
For much of its modern history, Turkey's military has been governed by a caretaker general appointed to run the country after an election. From 1923-1950, that person was Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who founded the Republic and established democracy with his reforms. For decades, he guided Turkey until he died in 1938 and Parliament determined that his successors should be elected.